
De-nuclear power plant in an electric car?

Good morning everybody! Faked is Gentoi Azuma of Keynesian. Although it is your embarrassing story, I think the general theory I'm not yet able to read. It is there any on hand, but ,,, Well, is the story of power continued in the second half of the last time today. "Renewable energy, including solar and wind power is not a substitute for nuclear power plant." The fact that, although is that Mitsuhashi teacher had early pointed out, recently has come to the problem of the promotion policy of the European renewable energy is reported in various media. Irrelevant Japan of all "Minarae de-nuclear power plant in Germany" Theory http://jbpress.ismedia.jp/articles/-/39824 European countries already ending limits renewable energy dependence of de-nuclear power plant is "electricity rate up" http://the-liberty.com/article.php?item_id=7319 German power giant, de primary hitting = firepower profitability deterioration, in a crisis situation http://www.jiji.com/jc/zc?k=201403/2014031500224&g=int Renewable energy is unstable, I is that the base power supply not be. In order to compensate for the weakness of such unstable renewable energy, it has been poured the hot line of sight to the storage battery. Unstable energy, is that once can be leveled if Tamere to the battery. However, hundreds of thousands are in it, it must be installed the battery to more than 1 million yen if the poor in all the house. It but it is very difficult. By the way, in today's Japan policy (FIT), who was purchased by power companies rather than use it yourself reservoir to the storage battery (more than double!) Profitable for, battery does not spread to the absolute. Really'm vicious, FIT is. So, Gentoi Azuma we thought. And whether the electric car is not it become somehow be spread. . . The following is a simple calculation of what units or electric vehicles is required to cover the power of the day. Japan's power demand (fiscal 2012) 851 590 000 000 kWh / year 2.33 billion kWh / day http://www.fepc.or.jp/library/data/demand/2012.html Nissan Leaf (electric vehicles, lithium-ion battery): 24kWh http://ev.nissan.co.jp/LEAF/ Leaf required to cover the power of the day 2.33 billion ÷ 24 = 9721 million units Japan of car ownership: 76.78 million units (passenger cars + light car) http://www.airia.or.jp/number/ Well ,,, you I have exceeded the car ownership in Japan. Gas-fired also mean that in combination, even as good if Makanaere 30% of the 1st power demand 97.21 million units × 0.3 = 2916 million units But it has been reduced considerably, even this much is still new car sales 6 years. Useless to buy other than the Nissan Leaf! It is that take six years even made a law that. Again I think of this idea, there is unreasonable. It is still early to give up. Electric car is not the only Nissan Leaf. And should we ask popularize electric vehicles loaded with more large-capacity battery. Electric car, which boasts of the largest battery capacity world. that is,,, Koredaa~tsu! ! http://jp.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304380304579405862994658876.html "Tesla Model S" Battery capacity is 85kWh, is 3.5 times that of the Nissan Leaf. If you redo the above calculation with Tesla model S, to cover the 30% of the power demand of the day with a storage battery 2.33 billion × 0.3 ÷ 85 = 822 million units The cover, I have seen something! It is 11% less than of car ownership in Japan. Come on everybody! Tesla Let's buy a model S! Japan bright future! Huh? How much to buy? ... ¥ 9,330,000 Yes, It is high, and I do not buy. Consumption tax (8%) ¥ 750,000 alone (seriously whether I ,,,) So, I road is the steepness likely to also shift to renewable energy. De-nuclear power plant by disseminating renewable energy! And .. looking up .. person, everyone is what I would like you to think together also measures income rises much buy the Tesla model S. And we have the publicity of the American car for two consecutive times. It's not escape the reproach of the pro-US faction in this. I do not want Obama and talks. Note) The spirit of this column wishing to promote legitimate energy policy, and does not deny the social significance of electric vehicles. In addition, the Nissan Leaf as a typical electric car, we've picked up a Tesla Model S as the electric vehicle of high-end, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd., intended to interject a question to Tesla Motors efforts without, sincerely to the two companies of the advanced nature and passion It will honor. When charging stations have spread it wants I also ride, electric cars.

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